The Power Couple: Lemon and Milk for Making Cheese at Home


Things You'll Require

Milk: 1 liter (for a creamier, richer cheese, use full-fat milk).

Extracting Juice from Two Lemons (A little tanginess and the curdling process are both guaranteed by the freshness.)

Preparing Food for Cheesemaking

Put the milk in a big saucepan and bring it to a simmer over medium heat. Be careful not to let the milk boil over when you bring it to a simmer, but get it to a temperature of around 200°F (93°C).

Gently whisk in the lemon juice when the milk has heated to the proper temperature. Take the saucepan from the heat. After a minute or two of stirring, the milk will start to curdle, creating tender curds.

Remove the Whey from the Curds by Straining The Milk Through a Colander Lined with Clean Cheesecloth. Pour the Curdled Milk Into the Colander. After straining the mixture through cheesecloth, the fresh cheese will remain within.

For a cheese with more texture, squeeze the curds to extract additional whey, then cover and refrigerate until solid. Cutting out the pressing step and going straight to chilling will result in a softer cheese.

Taking Pleasure in Your Own Cheese

Salads, crackers, or just a little olive oil and herbs are the perfect accompaniments to this handmade cheese. This dish exemplifies the delight of crafting something from the ground up, a dish that brings the comforts of home along with the pride of accomplishment.

What Makes It a Weekly Practice

Homemade cheese made with simply milk and lemon is about more than just the finished result; it's also about embracing a more intimate and less complicated approach to cooking. It's a sweet recollection of the moments when you had to be creative with what you had, but the results were worth it. If you happen to have some milk and lemons on hand, keep in mind that you are on the verge of making a cheese that is entirely your own, bursting with the comforting aromas and tastes of home-cooked meals.